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Moffett Towers I and II
Sunnyvale, California
Client: Jay Paul Company
Architect: DES Architects
Fabricator: WeidnerCA

Clearstory provided design and consulting services for the development of site signage, exterior building signage, and interior tenant signage standards for Moffett Towers I & II in Sunnyvale, adjacent to Moffett Federal Airfield. Clearstory worked closely with the project design team to develop a signage program appropriate for the unique image, architectural character, and setting of these projects. The scope for Moffett Towers I, included a site of 52 acres, seven mid-rise office buildings, a fitness center, a cafe, and three parking structures. The scope for Moffett Towers II, included a site of 47 acres, five eight-story towers, a fitness center, and three parking structures. 


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